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Is thin on thinking, keep a soldier to occupy E now south, the Pu Yi should be the site of third teacher to just become, how aid Xiang to aid Xiang, is north dozen in the soldier inner part has civil war, Zhang Ke by this time delivered one doubt that the text solved everyone's son of switching on electricity:"After allied troops moves defend, the Xiang thief collaborates with a prince spring remaining department occupy Pu Yi, the our army observes circumstances to hurt thief's several thousand grams of Yis that reply Pu ……"
The on the water does rich family Weng's prince's spring to see this affair concern he or she and hurriedly vindicate "the son spring doesn't publish a matter, with old department from have no friendly intercourse, this matter and I is without the relation ……", the Xiang soldier vindicates more:"We are loyal to a Xiang E peaceful pact and only have the fact of the soldier breakage of north at present, but have no Xiang the person invade the Zhu vestige of E ……"
This is getting more strange, none of everyone's sons recognizes Zhang, all of what Zhang Ke attackstoned is which aspect of troops?Just know a piece I am handsome is is an enemy Pu Yi to city treatment, lately plait the second teacher act wildly in defiance of the law or public opinion in the city of Pu Yi and do ill rather strong, the after the event has already declared to offer an explanation as well:"Gram the department military discipline is strict clear, however have gangster to take advantage of an opportunity to disturb a place, the place victimizes not and lightly …… luckily the gram parties soldier suppresses, Pu Yi now already government person and ……"
Is a gangster to disturb a place, the place victimizes not and lightly ……just soon have already claimed to be "Pu Yi people representative" to arrive to save city and Peking to accuse Zhang Ke of to take advantage o allied troops to change to defend respectively of machine, rob to have Pu Yi empty city, the after the event is also a Zong soldier the Rao harm a place and fornicate to rob to do every evils, "although given to sexual pleasure summer Jie, brutal company Zhou, cannot compare with it in case of also …… truly was subjected to a hundred years don't meet of disaster, the people of Pu Yi, all for blaze yellow people …… hope various Mr. for the people of Pu Yi and beg a public also ……"
This definitely has no may!This and Lu south those attack Zhang Ke Fei's soldiers of newspaper how brutally report similar, whole is purely imaginative, there is no one silk reality of possibility, our piece I am handsome vegetable come is love a soldier like son, how can do a so humane affair!
If these people still have to arrive some Xin Weis in Wuhan, Be just Wu Du really too weak, he the troops that beg Zhang Ke depart soon, but then meet rejection everywhere inside city in Peking and plea for interview a president, president Ping Da Dun is still that old words:"Now is responsibility cabinet system, you seek a premier!"As for the segment iron people's face is more difficult to see, don't wait the representatives to finish saying words, he pulls a long face to say:"In no way this matter!"
Certainly, the fighting strength of troops of this gram, a day effort can descend the city of Pu Yi of "tens of thousands thief soldier mighty army according to guard", the formal combat still don't take out this kind of troops three wars is good, otherwise give° the Xiang soldier to frighten to pour how to do, so be truely used third teacher and severals keeping a soldier to mix trip.
The in this world matter is ruined to more hesitant, Xiang soldier should be brave fierce soldier, and then have two wide mighty armies at after act in cooperation, but the soldier is at the Yue state city bottom Xiang E frontier, if take advantage o eighth teacher and 20 teachers to lately hurt of, a drum annoys to keep offending E province, is resided to the E keeping of south the soldier be necessarily throughout not willing to die to fight and join forces for battle Wuhan when the time comes and water horse Yangtze River and ascend Gao Yi Hu, southwest each province is inevitable cluster of to mutually act in cooperation.
Can Hunan but sink into and two widely fight in, all of so-called big Guangdong doctrine, great Guangxi doctrines are all the way kinds of goodses, say white be want to see Hunan to make their own colony, outside war don't interest, the infighting rises first, that Gao high at last Mo Lian Shuo, although the commander in chief who nominally is still southwest allied troops, but be actually united laurel by the Xiang soldier empty build on stilts, other people say that the military command isn't proceeds from saving city, but this doesn't unite a handsome order, connect his allied handsome mansion all not definitely effective.
But the front still keep being old problem, destitution in Hunan keeps not to rise so many soldiers, the military note that can publish and have no prestige, the officers and mens military payroll has no after, clothes have no, again soldier city bottom, the morale falls low naturally, but uses military note strong line of collect supplies, and then relate to and greatly has influence to the armed forces and people.
For this circumstance, a lot of talkative privates in Hunan inner part are each to express an one's own opinion, can fight noisy go, be have no a result, a scholar speaks about Hunan, "three many" call, namely"the soldier is many", "the banknotes is many" and"the great man is many", indeed belong to wise counsel.
Treat third teacher to come to the horizontal waist is one shot, the Xiang soldier nature is still to arrive to can not hold up against, last time aids the service of E, gathers the dint of whole provinceses the ability gram enemy not overcome, is to take charge of with the terrific fight of Liu Jing Xiao at the sheep building first, behind then greatly Be hurt to Ting Si, whole army almost is completely routed, to third teacher early have some accompany idea.
A see arrive the third teacher beat to come over, the nature is the situation that the whole army Kui backs, the Xiang soldier withdraws in defeat all the way, as for don't unite handsome get generally of southwest allied troops, at the sight of this kind of situation, lack to save for the Xiang definitely the confidence of the one dead war, however northern the soldier offend to come over, take"defend inside the province work important, return to adjustment in the province" as, robbed to rob before Xiang soldier to, by so doing, influenced the morale of Xiang soldier more, have no several days the company commander sand also threw.
World much add flowers to brocade Tu, little give timely assistance of generation, hence vastly and mightily of five road battalions sweep Xiang province, these eight noodles power and prestiges naturally not in context of present discussion, just Xiang person all hate an iron people is as till death as Zhang Ke Liang people, although kill father Duo wife, as well difficult arrive this endless hate an idea,beats dr dre.
Open into process in the battalion, Zhang Ke claims to be "people might it not be Dan food pot syrup, raise an in order to wait for Wang Shi", certainly, the battalion is in transit and unavoidably has the Rao the people's place, women from hanged a southeast to have it, raised a body to leave for pure pond to have it, Zhang Ke Jun in the certain place stationed soldiers March, the after the event discovered a female in the well the corpse counted with 100 account, as for body Jian man, as well endured persecution, or drive strong Lu is soldier man, carry on the back heavy the thing went several hundred inside night, day and night not get one Xie, or had a little bit to resist, namely the body head was two, Xiang breeze vegetable come violent, at this time unexpectedly have opposite meet but don't dare language, herein true facts it is thus clear that it a.
But the Zhang Ke rate department go toward Xiang the east make track for shot and made track for too urgently as a result, the Xiang soldier beat two rifles to return shot, Zhang Ke Jun hurriedly once backed a river to go and withdrew medium trample on each other death and harm a lot of, also keep the side wing of soldier to expose come out, annoy the Cao shout loudly clearly"Zhang Ke Bu declare at ordinary times 20,000, face to disappear one person!"
However by this time the Cao is clearly also regarded as fully satisfied, keep a soldier this can say all the way is easily crush enemy resistance, offend the long sand keeps tending Heng sun, Hunan can sit to accept a hand already, signing such a big achievement, president Ping Da Dun and segment the premier is extremely happy, generate electricity to give award to every day, the eye sees the deputy president's position to come to hand.
Warfare development in Hunan is smooth, Liu Jing Xiao has to re-act consideration, either, however think around, Liu Jing Xiao is still that sentence:Press the decided policy to do.
Anotherly don't say, at present segment the premier's red person, Zhang Ke Zhang, is handsome, Lu south newspaper can say to his accusation to is to continue not and extremely, this matter doesn't have Liu Jing Xiao to nod and definitely is not likely to attain thus big scale.
Not only such, he sought a few head of groups to sue they and collaborating with of Zhang Ke everywhere from the bandit, is how officer's bandit is a , in order to thoroughly line up Zhang Ke's influence, an among those are the yellow sheep that claims to be "Huang Shi", fight not to go, in this aspect of making to think to want to work can be treated as a remarkable talent, particularly speak what recall~to the mind a bitterness to think sweet exercise, accusation Zhang Ke, he put on on taking place a tears, then sobbed ground to say:"Make reference to Zhang Ke at of time, our banditses all really too bitterness ……"
This accomplishes, the slightest not elephant the embrace the gold brick can not be to eat for rice of bandit headman:"I am also can't, I am to call Huang Shi's person ……to, to, I call Xiao!Yang Jia Gou's village of, we are true that time bitterness ……all is can't, hungry to can't just be bandit headman ……"
"But …… I cannot say …… Zhang Ke is really too bad …… our conduct and actions all listen to his conductor ……"
Liu Jing Xiao looking at Huang Yang's spirited performance under Taiwan, not from feel deeply about this guy really the stem returned to profession, it is said that a certain time once had the parlance of so-called"government Wei of big ability", this guy really is the material that did government Wei, certainly finally want and present Liu Jing Xiao not a life time great talent:"Luckily come to general, the elephant made our bandit able to also have to eat for rice ……"
Really is a feeling content to slice, the young girl of touched underneath is to use a piece of and a piece of handkerchief, the tears are wet dress Jin, conveniently make Liu Jing know a bowels proper, received numerous love letters on that day, all of beginnings BE:"Liu Jing Xiao's general loved and respected … Related articles:

